Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Company Linked App--- TGV cinema app

Before we start to talk about what is all about TGV cinemas mobile app, let's take a look at a little bit introduction about TGV cinemas.

TGV cinemas is also known as Tanjong Golden Village. It is the second largest cinema chain in Malaysia.The very first TGV cinema was opened in the year 1995 which was located at 1 Utama shopping centre old wing. Currently TGV 24 cinemas all over Peninsular Malaysia and they are going to open up  another 4 cinemas in the East Malaysia.

Okay ! Now, let's talk about the TGV cinemas mobile app. TGV cinemas mobile app is obviously owned by TGV cinemas. TGV cinemas app is available on both Android Play Store and also IOS App Store.

TGV cinemas app provide users up-to-date movie showtimes and TGV cinema locations, which means that users able to check their favourite latest movie showtimes and location of the cinema at anytime , anywhere. Moreover, users also can buy movie tickets and select their preferable seats just at their fingertips. Users also able to watch all the movies trailer before they decide which movie they wanted to watch. TGV cinemas app also has another features which you can straight away access to the cinema hall by just scanning your booking history QR code at the cinema hall entrance counter. 



Here's a video to give you a tutorial on hoe TGV mobile app works :)

I think that TGV cinemas app is an awesome app because it really gives a lot of convenience to everyone. I can just fully enjoy my favourite movie without waiting to buy a ticket at a very long queue. Just only need to scan and go for my movie !!! :)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Manage your Social Presence in the Digital World

Last Saturday, there was a talk on " Manage your Social Presence in the Digital World" by Mr. Azhan Rabi. He is a professional social media communicator in Malaysia.

Let me present you , Mr. Azhan Rabi !!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Azhan is quite a friendly person. I like the way he give the talk by showing us simple slide wit simple words which can easily understand by us. He start his talk by asking us what are the social media that we are using now. There are numbers of social media like Facebook, Youtube, Wechat and others. Then, he continue his talk with what is digital identity ?

Digital identity is the extension identity of who we are. We tend to express more of ourselves in the social media rather than in real life. Therefore, Mr. Azhan advised us that we need to pay high attention to our privacy when we posted something in the social media because like what Mr. Azhan said , what you post, it stays online FOREVER !!!! All the information that stay online forever are the digital assets.

There is a thing that I really like during the talk is that the video shown by Mr.Azhan at the beginning of the talk. It is about all the summary of all the usage of the percentage of the usage of social media.Here's the video :

Moreover, Mr.Azhan teached us how to create and use Linkedin. Linkedin is very useful for us as it is look more alike a resume that we can use for our future in job finding. Linkedin enable us to put up information all about ourselves.

At last, I would like to thank Mr.Azhan for spending his precious time with us and share all the information with us. Thank You !!!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Do we hire for "FREE" media ?

New media includes social website, mobile apps and others. However, do these new media really free ? In my opinion it is depends on how you use it. For example, Facebook post. If you are just to post a status only then it will be free for use, but if you are going to promote your post, then you will need to pay for the extra service.

Today I would like to talk about is it necessary to hire a new media executive in a company. 

In my opinion is YES. Why say so ? 

If it is a small scale company it would just only need new media executive rather than PRPs and web master. This is because a new media executive can actually do PRPs and also web master job like do research about their company background, share information to audience, web designing and others. By hiring only new media executive, the company can actually save cost. Moreover, it would not easily affect the operation of the company because they will not clash with the PRP and web master since it is only a small scale company.

For a large scale company like MAS airline, new media executive is also needed other than PRPs and web master. PRPs job is to manage crisis, oraganize special events like press conference and others while web master job is to create website, manage website, manage user account, web designing and others.Since new media executive do all the work that PRPs and web master do, they can actually help out the PRPs and web master. This can actually help the company to run the daily operation effectively. Although need to pay extra salary by hiring new media executive, but if by hiring new media executive can help in company's daily operation to run smoothly, why not hire them ?

In conclusion, although there are other opinion on whether to hire a new media executive, but my personal opinion will still be YES. New media executive can be called as the "middle person" of PRPs and web master which means that they do what the PRPs and web master do. Although they are the "middle person", but their position is a part and parcel of a company's daily operation especially a large scale company like MAS airline.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How new media has influenced public relations, advertising and marketing ?

During our tutorial class last week with Ms. Sabina, we had discussed about the topic about "How new media has influenced public relations, advertising and marketing ?"

As we know that now we are living in a society that surrounded by all sort of high technologies and these technologies had gradually dominated our society. First of all, let us see how the new media has influenced the public relations field. Before the new media exist, public relations practitioners (PRPs) uses the traditional media such as newspapers, magazines to communicate with the public and this is just a one-way communication as the traditional media does not provide a platform for the public to give feedbacks. Now, the existence of new media like social media (Facebook,Youtube) has provided a platform for the PRPs and the public to interact with each other. Public able to leave a comment on the social media. PRPs can immediately see what are the public's thought and can easily understand what are the public's needs. On the other hand, by using the new media like TV, radio, internet, the information or the message can be reached broadly(worldwide) which means can reached mass audiences. The public can see the message immediately and received the information as they get in touch with the new media. Moreover, the existence of new media has brought conveniency to PRPs. For example, PRP posted a news release in Facebook, and they found out there is a information has written wrongly, they can amend it and repost the correct information immediately. Unlike the traditional media, the amended information take few days only able deliver to the public. This is how new media influenced us as a public relations practitioners.

 Next, let us discuss about how new media has influenced the advertising field. Advertisements nowadays has become more attractive and interesting compare to the olden days. Without the existence of the new media in the past, advertisements were advertised in newspapers, magazines, books and etc and the advertisements were dull and not that interesting and attractive. New media able the advertisers to design and create an advertisement with better graphic quality, animations, colourful in order to capture the public's attention and let the public can always remember their advertisement. Moreover, new media has made advertisement become more persuasive. Why ? For example, ABC company is coming out a brand new detergent, they will compare their brand with brand X and show that their detergent can wash off the dirt effectively. This has become persuasive compare with the traditional media as traditional only have words but no video to make their advertisement more persuasive. On the other hand, the advertisers can edit the advertisement and advertise it immediately. New media also able the advertisement to reach mass audiences through TV, radio, internet and etc. This is how new media influenced the advertising industries.

How's marketing industries has influenced by the new media? Nowadays, online shopping has brought conveniency not only to marketers but also consumers. Marketers no need to explain and sell product to their targeted audience as all the information can be found on their official website. The company will just need to deliver the product according their customers orders. This same goes to the network marketing. Marketers will sell their product to a customer and the customer will sell to another customer and the network will go wider and wider if their customer keep selling the product.

As a conclusion, the new media really bring a lot of conveniency and benefits to PRPs in delivering messages, advertisers in promoting their products and also marketers in selling their products.