Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How new media has influenced public relations, advertising and marketing ?

During our tutorial class last week with Ms. Sabina, we had discussed about the topic about "How new media has influenced public relations, advertising and marketing ?"

As we know that now we are living in a society that surrounded by all sort of high technologies and these technologies had gradually dominated our society. First of all, let us see how the new media has influenced the public relations field. Before the new media exist, public relations practitioners (PRPs) uses the traditional media such as newspapers, magazines to communicate with the public and this is just a one-way communication as the traditional media does not provide a platform for the public to give feedbacks. Now, the existence of new media like social media (Facebook,Youtube) has provided a platform for the PRPs and the public to interact with each other. Public able to leave a comment on the social media. PRPs can immediately see what are the public's thought and can easily understand what are the public's needs. On the other hand, by using the new media like TV, radio, internet, the information or the message can be reached broadly(worldwide) which means can reached mass audiences. The public can see the message immediately and received the information as they get in touch with the new media. Moreover, the existence of new media has brought conveniency to PRPs. For example, PRP posted a news release in Facebook, and they found out there is a information has written wrongly, they can amend it and repost the correct information immediately. Unlike the traditional media, the amended information take few days only able deliver to the public. This is how new media influenced us as a public relations practitioners.

 Next, let us discuss about how new media has influenced the advertising field. Advertisements nowadays has become more attractive and interesting compare to the olden days. Without the existence of the new media in the past, advertisements were advertised in newspapers, magazines, books and etc and the advertisements were dull and not that interesting and attractive. New media able the advertisers to design and create an advertisement with better graphic quality, animations, colourful in order to capture the public's attention and let the public can always remember their advertisement. Moreover, new media has made advertisement become more persuasive. Why ? For example, ABC company is coming out a brand new detergent, they will compare their brand with brand X and show that their detergent can wash off the dirt effectively. This has become persuasive compare with the traditional media as traditional only have words but no video to make their advertisement more persuasive. On the other hand, the advertisers can edit the advertisement and advertise it immediately. New media also able the advertisement to reach mass audiences through TV, radio, internet and etc. This is how new media influenced the advertising industries.

How's marketing industries has influenced by the new media? Nowadays, online shopping has brought conveniency not only to marketers but also consumers. Marketers no need to explain and sell product to their targeted audience as all the information can be found on their official website. The company will just need to deliver the product according their customers orders. This same goes to the network marketing. Marketers will sell their product to a customer and the customer will sell to another customer and the network will go wider and wider if their customer keep selling the product.

As a conclusion, the new media really bring a lot of conveniency and benefits to PRPs in delivering messages, advertisers in promoting their products and also marketers in selling their products.

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